Living in Islington

Explore living in Islington today with ideal flatmate.


North London • Islington
£420 Average monthly rent Based on 1 properties in Islington currently on ideal flatmate
Highbury & Islington / Angel Nearest transport link

Home of Arsenal Football Club, Jeremy Corbyn, Douglas Adams and Emirates Stadium, Islington and Highbury certainly have quite a lot of fame to claim among the London boroughs outside of central London. However, Highbury & Islington isn’t just for footballers and Labourites, the borough is a fantastic place to set up home. It has some of the best preserved Victoria architecture around, and you’ll soon find yourself ogling at the five-story Edwardian townhouses that line the elegant streets.

There’s always somewhere new to eat in the area, so if your motto is very much “live to eat” then you’ll be right at home. Alongside cafes, you’ll find vibrant shops, art scenes and clubs that make for an excellent nightlife. We guarantee that it won’t take you very long at all to fall in love with this charming patch of the City.

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