Living in Maida Vale

Explore living in Maida Vale today with ideal flatmate.


West London • Maida Vale
£887 Average monthly rent Based on 30 properties in Maida Vale currently on ideal flatmate
Maida Vale Nearest transport link

We’d be very surprised if you hadn’t heard of ‘Little Venice’, but there’s more to the area than just that. Maida Vale is a residential neighbourhood with plenty of character. Aside from the quaint (and oh so beautiful), Little Venice, with it’s houseboats and gondolas drifting, and it’s peaceful vibe, Maida Vale’s streets are lined with trees (and gorgeous houses) and has a whole host of bars and cafes to explore.

Whilst it may bring plenty of tourists for a wander down the canal, this central yet understated area is everything you need in a place - classy but fun, and just a truly charmful place to live.

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