Living in Whitechapel

Explore living in Whitechapel today with ideal flatmate.


East London • Whitechapel
£906 Average monthly rent Based on 23 properties in Whitechapel currently on ideal flatmate
Whitechapel and Aldgate East Nearest transport link

Whitechapel has always been alive with activity. Historically an area of industry - the capital’s tanneries, breweries and slaughterhouses were once at the centre of it all. Now under major redevelopment, the neighbourhood is of rich diversity and with it, plenty of different places to discover.

On the weekends you can hit the canal down to Broadway Market, checking out all of the great boat names as you go, and in the week there’s a whole host of pubs to get merry in. Coffee shops and brunch spots a plenty, Whitechapel has a lot of character for all.

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