Living in West Hampstead

Explore living in West Hampstead today with ideal flatmate.


North London • West Hampstead
£869 Average monthly rent Based on 6 properties in West Hampstead currently on ideal flatmate
West Hampstead Nearest transport link

Charming and quaint and with a strong touch of community, is how you would describe West Hampstead. Residents who stay here, stay for quite some time and will proudly tell you of the strong bond in community here. It’s easy to see why, with it’s bustling high street full of stores, bars, restaurants and cute cafes. And you can guarantee that as you walk through a door to a store or cafe, you’ll be welcomed with warmth and friendliness. Whilst it can feel a little overshadowed by neighbour Hampstead and still a little under the radar, we’re embracing this as a good thing which makes it an ideal residential place, with less tourism. And transport into central? Not an issue at all.

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