Living in Vauxhall

Explore living in Vauxhall today with ideal flatmate.


South London • Vauxhall
£1061 Average monthly rent Based on 6 properties in Vauxhall currently on ideal flatmate
Vauxhall Nearest transport link

We reckon that Vauxhall is becoming one of London’s hotspots, and we’ll tell you why. Firstly, it’s location is perfect being near the Thames and incredibly close to some of London’s much-loved galleries. Then there’s Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens and Vauxhall Park, which are loved by locals and offer tranquility in the heart of London. And with the location and parks, come great places to eat, drink and lose a few hours in some local boozers. Vauxhall also provides a lively clubbing scene thanks to the LGBT community, so if you’re after some hustle and bustle but with not-too-shabby-rent-prices-considering-the-location, then you should be looking at Vauxhall. And all your friends will follow suit soon enough...

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